Division Manager
We are currently looking for Division Managers for the Mini Kickers, U6 Coed Division, U10Boys and Open Coed (U14 and older). It is club policy that you do not hold the Division Manager position for your own player's age group and gender. Division Managers hold the responsibility of creating rosters each Spring and Fall season for their group with the list of players provided by the Saline FC staff at the end of the registration period. Division Managers use information from past seasons to aid in their quest to roster teams as evenly as possible, roster teams per player's requested practice night(s) and organize those players with whom people may need to carpool. Mini Kickers is a much simpler task of rostering, however will take some thought to manage ages and sizes of players. The good thing about being a Division Manager is you will be an appointed Board Member. You are able, if you wish, to attend all Saline FC Board meetings and can have input in the programs. Please let our the Director of Recreational League, John Turck at recleague@salinesoccer.org know if you wish to become a Division Manager. Your position would begin in Spring 2024.
Recreational Coaches
We are always looking for recreational coaches during our Fall and Spring Recreational soccer season. Our coaches have to have an approved Background Check, a Concussion and a SafeSport Training before they are allowed to train our players. Please let our the Director of Recreational League, John Turck at recleague@salinesoccer.org know if you wish to become a Recreational Coach.